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The First Step Express: Starting Your Business Webinar by SBDC

Have you always had a dream to start your own business, but aren't sure where to begin? Attend our First Step Express webinar! 

A condensed version of our First Step: Starting Your Business seminar, this one-hour webinar will help aspiring entrepreneurs to begin the process of successful business ownership including a quick look at: 

  • Applications and licenses needed to start a business 

  • Different types of business structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.) 

  • Business plan basics 

  • Financing options 

  • SBDC Services available as you start your business 

Registration is required at:

This is a webinar, not a face-to-face class. We will be using the Zoom online platform. For more information:

The University of Scranton SBDC

Did you know that The University of Scranton SBDC is part of the Pennsylvania SBDC network, and that 16 other SBDCs are offering excellent free webinars as well? Check out webinars from our fellow SBDCs here.

All pre-venture clients are encouraged to attend this course or a similar program, or complete pre-venture materials to prepare for the engagement, prior to being assigned to a consultant for one-on-one assistance. For fee-based seminars, a fee-waiver can be provided to those that are experiencing financial hardship, this should not be an obstacle to receiving SBDC consulting services.